Voter Universes

In the common parlance of campaigns a Universe is the set of voters who will be sought via a given contact means. For instance, a “text universe” is the list of people you text, while a “call universe” is the list that gets cut up for your phone banks. A “direct mail universe” is what […]

Voter Turnout Modeling

Who is going to turn out for a municipal election held in an off-year, in an off-brand month, in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election, and under conditions of a pandemic? That is the question we seek to answer with Turnout Modeling. For starters, and even before accounting for the new world of Ranked […]

Giving by Occupation (various)

Previously, we described our FEC research into itemized donations by individuals to campaigns for House, Senate, and President, and which were filed during the calendar year 2020. The map we demonstrated in that post is in a style we call “king of the hill” in that it shows you the winner between different lines within […]

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and NYC

Everybody in politics has an opinion about ranked choice voting; our perspective is that RCV is good and lawful because voters want it and we are glad that it is in play. Beyond that, my own opinion is one of skepticism. Not in the sense of thinking “this will be bad” but skepticism in the […]

Retired Americans

When making contributions to Federal candidates for office (House, Senate, President), donors are asked to list their occupation as well as their employer. This allows committees to meet their own compliance burden to report such information to the FEC. Our research of Schedule A Itemized Contributions by Individuals (more on entity-types later) to Federal candidates […]