Region Ex Large Large Medium
SOUTH CENTRAL$6.67$6.66$4.54
COMBINED REGIONAL$6.59$6.57$4.46
Region Ex Large Large Medium
SOUTH CENTRAL$6.24$6.22$4.16
COMBINED REGIONAL$6.16$6.14$4.08
Region Ex Large Large Medium
NORTHEAST False False False
SOUTHEAST False False False
MIDWEST False False False
SOUTH CENTRAL False False False

It is exhausting and wasteful to pretend that America is engaged in an authentic clash of values. We no longer live in an era where high-minded ideals are debated in our communities. Instead, we exist in an era of algorithms, memes, internet main characters, disinformation, insincerity, lies, and spin. In other words, we have entered a new era in our politics.

And so it goes that by leveraging the Weekly Combined Regional Shell Eggs report published by the USDA every Friday, we at Competitive Advantage Research answer the only question that truly matters: are the eggs cheaper yet?

The first table below gives you the price as of the prior Friday. The second table reminds you the average price for a dozen eggs delivered from producer to warehouses as of the end of the Biden administration. The third table performs arithmetic to tell you everything that you need to know in this new era.

These are the average prices on sales to volume buyers, USDA Grade A and Grade A, White eggs in cartons, delivered warehouse, per dozen.
These prices are computed from simple weekly averages weighted by regional area populations
Source: USDA Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News

CSPANOPTICON is a data warehousing suite for conducting open source intelligence (OSINT) on the government, public officials, candidates for office, and their counter-parties. We are acquiring new data and extending new features continuously. Right now, we are laser focused on delivering you fresh information about whether eggs have gotten cheaper yet during this Administration.

Competitive Advantage Research © 2025 rendered 2025-02-15 16:53:45.551641 UTC